Backing up your website and databases literally takes a couple of clicks of the mouse and can save a lot of pain and heartache down the line! Why not setup a reminder on your phone or in Outlook so you don't forget to run a backup. QiQ offer two forms of web hosting. The procedure to take a backup will vary slightly depending upon when your account was opened: Accounts opened AFTER February 2009 (cPanel Hosting) Simply log in to your hosting account control panel ( and select either "Backup" or "Backup Wizard" from the menu. The wizard will provide a step by step guide to backing up all content, where the backup option will enable you to select which content is backed up. The following can be backed up and included in a zip file for your convenience: Accounts opened BEFORE February 2009 Backing up your website files: - Log in to your control panel - In 'files' click on 'backup/restore' - Follow the on screen instructions Backing up your database As with our web files back up service through eXtend, you can also back up your MySQL databases with just one click! - Log in to your control panel - In 'Web tools' click on 'MySQL Databases' - In 'Manage MySQL Databases' choose which databases you want to back up and click 'Now' You can also download and store a local copy of your database through phpMyAdmin using the 'Export' function.