If you enter a password incorrectly (email or control panel) a number of times a QiQ server *may* block your IP address. Your IP address is your computer's unique numerical address on this internet and it is allocated to you by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Your IP address can be viewed at
IP address blocking occurs to protect your content on the QiQ server. For example, a hacker attempting to guess your email account password would have their IP address blocked after a few incorrect guess attempts.
If your IP address is blocked by a QiQ server, any devices accessing the QiQ from that IP address will be unable to view your website or access email. For example, if you try to access your email from a desktop computer and an iPhone, if the IP address they both use is blocked, neither device will be able to gain access.
Website visitors from different IP addresses will still be able to view your site. You can test to see if just your IP address has been blocked or if your website is down for everyone at If the site is just down for you, it may be your IP address is blocked.
How to unban your IP address
From time to time a client may be unable to access email and/or view their website. This may be caused by a server being unavailable or their IP address being blocked.
1. You can establish if a server is down by visiting
2. If the server is not down, it most likely means their IP address is blocked. you can view your IP address at
3. Login to the QiQ Billing system at
4. Once logged in: Select My Services

5. Select the hosting account you are having difficulty in accessing by clicking the "Active" button.

6. On the next screen click the "IP Unban Center" link which shows to the left of the screen

7. Once you are in the Unban Center, click the shield icon alongside the product you are unable to access.

8. On the next screen, the IP address of the computer you are currently using will be prefilled in the form. Clicking the Unban button will remove the IP address from the ban list. However, if you are banning the IP of a different computer, you will need to enter that IP address here. You can view your current IP address by visiting from the computer that is currently blocked.Â

9. Finally, you will get a message displaying if the IP has been successfully removed on both the CSF (Firewall) or cPHulk blocking lists.Â